Donnerstag, 24. Dezember 2009



I know I've already showed you my new clothing labels - I used the scans from the sellers blog so this time this is a photo taken by me and it shows the whole box I've received!
To finally hold them in my hands is just awesome lol and I'm so glad they turned out that good!

The same day I had these wonderful fabrics in the mail!
So glad I ordered the pink one in time, now it's sold out!!! It's a wonderful and cozy hot pink sweater knit wit ha cute black herat/argyle-ish design.
The other one is a red cotton knit with black guns printed \m/(*_*)\m/
Don't think I support violence - I don't! I will turn this into some kind of 'Against-Violence' garment!
Can't wait to show you what I made out of these ones!!!

And of course some new make-up for the lady ^^
I bought these two eyeshadows from P2 from their 'Universe'' collection! I think the casing looks just like a planet in my oppinion ^^
Anyways...they're pretty hard to open though, I bought the colors '030-forbidden venus' and '060-opulent jupiter' as far as I can remember they only had one more color which was some kind of dark-bronze-colored-brown...too dark for my eyes I guess :P
And of course I had to buy my all-time-favorite 'Multi Action' mascara from Essence!
AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNDDD yes, you may laugh at me now, cause I've just bought the first sharpener in my life! ^^ I used to either throw the blunt pencils away or I palm them off to my mom ^^

You know, even my bank account balance says -43,89€ right now, there are times you just have to treat yourself with things like that for all your hard work. Simple things that make you happy! I've been working my ass off lately and still I have nothing left but right now I don't's Christmas...I'm lookinf forward to a have a few days off and as I know I don't get any presents, I have to present myself ^^
Hope you're all having a great Christmas, enjoy the holidays with your families!!!

Akasha & Cookie

1 Comment:

  1. Pili said...
    Happy Holidays to you and Cookie!

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