Montag, 15. November 2010
We have a lucky winner, chosen randomly by

And it is.........tadadadaaaaaaaaaaaah...CARO SONNENSCHEIN!!!
Congratulations Caro for winning a Tube Top of your choice made to your measurements!
I will contact you for details.
Didn't win? Don't worry!
We will have another GIVEAWAY SPECIAL in December!
Freitag, 12. November 2010
We just reached 300 "likes" on our Facebook Fanpage which means you finally get the promised GIVEAWAY Special! YAY!!!
:)) First of all thank you all for your support - love chattin with every single one of you on FB and being in contact with all the AC lovers
You can WIN either the WILD PISTACCHIO Tube Top OR the PRETTY PINK Tube Top, made to your measurements!
To enter:
1. Leave a comment on this blog and tell me why YOU should win the Tube Top.
2. (Extra Chance) Post a link to Akasha's Facebook page ( either on Twitter, Facebook or your Blog and leave a seperate comment with the link to your site on this blog.
Ends: This GIVEAWAY Special will end on Sunday, November 14th 12pm MET. The winner will be randomly chosen through and will be announced on Monday Nov. 15th 2010
xoxo Akasha
Montag, 19. April 2010
Finally something new to blog about ^^
Well...last week I went to the fabric market and found lots of new fabrics :))) (Didn't expect anything else ^^) from snakeskin to cherries, strawberries and polkadots!!!
Can't wait to make some hot stuff from those gorgeous new finds ^^
I also bought a pattern for a blouse ( I usually make my own patterns but refused to make blouses before so I thought I should try this new pattern) took me 5 hours to make and I was (still am) sooooo disappointed!!! I was sooo frustrated that I wasn't able to sew the whole week...really :(
The puffed sleeves were toooooooo puffy and too looked like a prize fighter :(
Not sure If I'll try to save it somehow...maybe shorten the sleeves..or just throw it away...not sure yet. But that's basically why I didn't sew anything new for one whole week..meeeeeeep
Sooo last friday my friend told me there'll be a fashion show from a re-opened costume rental store where she'll be doing make-up. She also mentioned that they've been looking for a seamstress. So I showed up at the fashion show on sunday and I really loved it...they had costumes from all kind of ages...from Middle Ages to Baroque and 70's...
After the show I introduces myself to the owner of the store and asked if they're still looking for a seamstress and she invited me to some kind of job interview today...actually...more a meeting and getting to know each other :P
She showed me the costumes and OMG my heart was pounding soooo fast lol Seeing all those beatiful costumes and accessoires was just amazing!
I've worked for Operas and Musicals before so I know pretty much about costumes so this would be really fun to work with! Gotta show up on Thursday for probation and hope to get the "job".
I've been looking for a little part-time job for a long time and this would be just PERFECT!
I could work with historical costumes, I'm sure I'll learn alot and, of course, I can sew! which is the best part!
So...wish me luck!! ;)
(I've posted some pics of the fashion show below!!)
On Saturday I found this huuuuuge turquoise alarm clock with a sparkling blue face!! I'll probably never use it as an alarm clock but I just had to have it!!! It was only 5,99€ so...why not, right? And it matches perfect the colorful cows I recently bought lol (see pic)
Today I got my new MOO cards in the mail! Love them, though I think the colors could be a bit brighter but apart from that they're great.
They got a little add on the edge of the cards from MOO and DaWanda since they're from a collaborating special where you get 50 MOO cards for free, you only have to pay about 4€ shipping...that's all. So, I don't really care about the little ad on the side ;)
OH YEAH...almost forgot: if you order 50 MOO cards, you can also choose up to 50 designs for your cards! So each card can be different! How cool is that??? I uploaded 3 designs only :)
(sorry for the crappy pics!!!) Some girls where running so fast it was hard to take good pics lol
I know it's called 'runway' but apparently they didn't know that they're not supposed to actually run! ^^
(Please note that I have not been involved in this fashion show in any way - the costume rental, I will hopefully be able to work for, showed pieces from their fund.)
Labels: business, costumes, fabrics, Fashion, fashionshow
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010

Liebe Frau DPD,
"Einfach Pakete verschicken" ist Ihr Motto, scheinbar ist das aber doch gar nicht so einfach!
Heute wollte ich Ihnen mal wieder ein paar Päckchen bringen doch schnell kam die Überraschung! Ein Gr.S Paket soll plötzlich G.M sein, und ein Gr.M Paket plötzlich Gr.L! Ich habe immer die selben Kartons, beim letzten Mal war es Gr.M und dieses Mal soll es zu gr.L gewachsen sein??? Wie kann das denn sein? Außerdem habe ich brav ausgemessen, die Maße auf der DPD Internetseite eingegeben(sogar noch cm dazugegeben!!) und die Größen wurden automatisch ausgerechnet. Kann es also sein, dass Sie einfach etwas verwirrt sind und die Größen Ihrer Paketmaße nicht mehr wissen? Anders kann ich mir das leider nicht erklären.
Jedenfalls lasse ich das nicht mit mir machen - da geh ich lieber zur Konkurrenz, der Deutschen Post.
Wenn Sie sich wieder an die richtigen Maße und Paketgrößen erinnern können, melden Sie sich doch bei mir, vielleicht bringe auch ich Ihnen dann mal wieder ein Paket oder zwei.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Die Paketfee
Freitag, 5. März 2010
What are some of your design inspirations?
I get my inspirations mostly from the internet, I browse the Internet daily for new inspirations, also music videos and magazines inspire me alot! Basically anything colorful inspires me :P
Do you sell a lot to the US?
not too much unfortunately due to (to me) high shipping rates in Germany. Although I try to keep them as low as possible. I'd love to sell more to the US though! :)
Do you ever model your clothes?
I used to try it but didn't really feel comfortable so I prefer to have other ppl model my clothes ^^